Erica Carroll [00:00:01 - 00:02:51]:
Welcome to the Alchemy of Healing podcast. I'm your host Erica Carroll. For over 20 years I worked as an actress in film and TV until my health forced its way to center stage and demanded I focus on the alchemical process that is healing. Along the way I had to examine preconceived beliefs around how to optimize my body and how to empower myself to find solutions.

I know how lonely, isolating and hopeless chronic illness can feel and the Alchemy of Healing sessions aim to enlighten and inspire new ideas to help you find your unique path back to wellness.

So, join me while I speak with experts in diverse fields of self-care. Practitioners, biohackers, healers and folks like you who are the true experts of their own bodies sharing their personal stories of how they transmuted from surviving to thriving.

One of the most important lessons I've learned in this wild ride with my health is the discovery and understanding about toxicity, what that means and how to deal with it. Most of you have likely heard about inflammation toxins detoxification but how do you remedy it? Even more importantly, how much thought do you give to what's in you, on you and around you?

As I peeled back the layers, I discovered factors that were contributing to my body responding in increasingly dramatic ways. By integrating the detoxing process into my weekly protocol, I experienced a decrease of the burden on my body and in turn helped bring it closer to coherence. Common detoxing practices include different waters, antioxidants such as glutathione, melatonin, dry brushing, infrared sauna, red light therapy, lymphatic drainage, cold plunging and you may have even come across the term chelation when referencing heavy metal toxicity. 

Today we're going to discuss another detox tool that I use and the benefits it may have for your detox regimen. Our guest today is Kellyann Andrews. She is with Platinum Energy Systems. They provide a device called the ionic foot spa that may aid with toxin exposures and the resulting imbalances that can occur.

Kelly's background is in biochemistry, nursing, holistic alternative and energy medicine. For over 40 years she's been a health coach by nature and trade. She's continued to educate herself by researching all areas of health recovery to find ways of creating wellness on a cellular level and this is now her life's work sharing her discoveries and her own recovery with others on the same path, so we are very grateful to have Kellyann here today. Let's get this party started. 

Thank you so much for coming, Kellyann! So why don't we start with your backstory and what led you into the field of health coaching.

Kellyann Andrews [00:02:51 - 00:04:33]:
Oh, delighted to be here with you! Yes, that's always an interesting topic. For many of us in the field, I think we all started out with a derailment to our own health, a family member, a friend or someone in our circle of influence and as a result I ended up on a major search and find.

I ended up with a family where I was born into almost like a second generation. My mother was 43 when she had me, so as a result of that what occurred was, I ended up watching the demise of their bodies. They were chain smokers and I myself grew up with allergy, asthma, eczema, just a plethora of different kind of not great symptoms and but also I was in the era of the 50s and there was not a lot of people who were able to have the awareness like there is now about how dietary intakes are so influential because it's only when you put the real food in as in the format that God created, not 17 generations removed from source.

Every time you remove it from source then there's a preservative or a coloration or some chemistry added that is artificial and the human body. The body is not designed to be able to utilize those and those end up running interference.

Erica Carroll [00:04:34 - 00:05:17]:
I think when those innovations were created, the processing of the grains and the introduction of the preservatives so that food lasts longer, I think the intention was probably good. Creating more convenience, you're creating extra time, less time in the kitchen, less wasted food because natural organic food decomposes at the rate that food should decompose but now, we've learned as the generations have passed by … there's that phrase, the death of a thousand cuts, right? 

If your daily diet and exposure to everything else consistently has a level of toxins in it, it's going to create some imbalance, right?

Kellyann Andrews [00:05:17 - 00:06:47]:
And the point is that they can't process it, the liver cannot do anything with heavy metals or toxins, the chemicals or it can't convert them. It can't do anything, so it ends up storing them in the human body and because of that then there's an accumulation factor of toxicity which is what I began to realize in my healing discovery journey.

What created wellness was a body that was being fed premium unleaded fuel. In that regard is, I mean real food and its original format and so as a result when this artificial food was put in then it just completely jams the system, like for example I grew up drinking a lot of pop instead of water as a child and if you take coke it has a pH of two the human body is designed for pH of 7.35 to 7.45 and so as a result of that it can't run, if you try to put water in your gas tank you can imagine the effect of that well that's the effect in the human body.

Erica Carroll [00:06:47 - 00:07:21]:
Yeah, absolutely and I want to talk about pH. I think some of our listeners will know exactly what it is because they understand that imbalance can then allow for a whole range of other things to start. Let's chat a little bit about the interference, the toxicity and poisons, like what would be some examples of that for people who haven't ventured into this realm yet, where some chronically ill people who may be listening understand it. What are some examples and sources of toxicity and how would we get exposed to them?

Kellyann Andrews [00:07:21 - 00:10:46]:
Yeah, well that is quite the topic nowadays especially because of what is occurring. Let's take personal care products, there is a huge plethora of chemistry added into those products that the human body was not designed to deal with and so as a result it … let's give it a very specific example, lipstick had lead in it. It's interesting when we talk about certain food sources like chocolate, chocolate bars they are now discovering …

Erica Carroll
Don't go after my chocolate Kellyann! 

Kellyann Andrews
Yeah, I know, a clean source of it ... I know what happens, it's hard to hear there is a little bit of toxicity in chocolate itself. We had leaded gas for so many years that lead ended up in the soil then the plant took it and then it put it into its pods and then they put that into the industry.

What is occurring is a processing of the food in the industry that's causing the toxicity so now they are finding huge amounts of lead and cadmium in chocolate and all our holidays. Christmas there's a lot of chocolate given at that time and then we have Valentine's Day. The chocolate industry has been self-promoting itself through these different holidays and you just think of how many people eat it. One of the nutrients that is in original chocolate is magnesium and we're also magnesium deficient, so it is a good source of magnesium and some other phytochemicals and phytonutrients that came from the original plant.

Again, it's the processing methodology that has added other elements into it such as lead and cadmium and when dealing in the field of toxicology the things that we see most common in people are lead and mercury. The source of mercury is hugely related to the dental industry and amalgam fillings but also these metals get into our body and the body was not designed to have them in it because it can't do anything with it, it's not a nutrient it's a toxin, a poison and so then it has a negative effect it causes a lot of hyper acidity.

Other sources of toxicity for example are water. Water sources have huge amounts of toxicity in them. There was the town in Illinois Flint, and they ended up having just unbelievable contamination of lead in their water sources and did in the whole town.

Erica Carroll [00:10:47 - 00:10:57]:
But the other thing is all there's also pharmaceuticals in the water supply and depending on what country and city you live in there's potential for fluoride and …

Kellyann Andrews [00:10:58 - 00:12:06]:
Yeah, the additives of the industry, what is the industry putting into that source. Then you have your natural disasters like the forest fires that have been happening all around the world. When the fires go through an area, they are burning up not only the forest but they're burning up everything else around and that's going up into the atmosphere.

When a hurricane comes through, oh my god, the liberation of all sorts of content is put up into the air and travels around the world.

Floods are another way. I was in Winnipeg when the flood happened in ‘99 and I mean, it was just unbelievable, what was a river became literally a great lake and that went up through all of the farmlands and picked up all of the pesticides and even the poor animals and so all this content was put into the water but when that flood recedes then that's all left on the land, then that goes through food sources.

Erica Carroll [00:12:07 - 00:12:59]:
Sorry, you mentioned the forest fires, what do trees do they're drawing from their environment, from the air they draw in all these chemicals, these metals and particulates that are in the air.

It's one of the things that my specialist makes us very aware of during the hottest seasons when the fires start. We must be cautious not be paranoid but be cautious of our air quality.

Most of us have pretty good air filtration systems in our home because, we the people who seem to struggle more with that detoxing lymphatic, all that kind of those processes that we have exposure to. You have the tree smoke, the smoke from the wood, but then you've got what those trees have absorbed as well, that is burning and becoming …

Kellyann Andrews [00:13:00 - 00:13:58]:
Exactly they're chelators out of the soil, of all the toxicity. One of the things they've discovered recently is kale. Kale has been so promoted as a wonderful health source of nutrients but again, with that original biochemistry that God created into the plant is now inundated with cadmium. It turns out kale is a fabulous chelator and absorber of cadmium.

You were mentioning car exhausts and things like that too. When you sit in traffic, if you think L.A. and you think traffic hour and all those cars are running and they're all sitting there, will all of those fumes being absorbed into the rest of the air and into the respiratory system through the skin. 

Erica Carroll [00:13:58 - 00:15:28]:
The human body unfortunately is like a sponge, but people don't think of that when they put personal care products on, when they shampoo or condition their hair, or face creams ... That's part of the problem, these things are convenient now, these things are habitual. Women prefer certain products that work with their hair and their skin and all.

Speaking about deodorant, you're putting that on your armpits, on your glands and all that aluminum. Just talking about all these topics I know can be really overwhelming for some people and we don't need to inundate ourselves, but we can make small choices every day that are trending in the more supportive areas. It's not like you have to throw out your whole makeup drawer immediately.

The most important thing is we have to be aware that there are inconvenient truths. For the long run it's going to be worth it because you're preventing versus trying to backtrack 20 years of exposure to toxins, just do your best to minimize as much as you can.

Kellyann Andrews [00:15:28 - 00:18:58]:
That's the key just like everything in life, if it was summertime and you had a hornet's nest out in the back garden you wouldn't go stand right by it nor would just stick a stick in it and stir it up. The trouble is that when we expose ourselves to multiple exposures of toxicity then we have an accumulation factor and so if you're not feeling great, there's a reason for that.

What we need to do is to start to develop a sensitivity to when you're not feeling great. Look back at what you did within the last 12 hours or 24 hours. What did you do? What did you drink? What did you eat? What did you put on your skin? What did you get exposed to? Through breathing or anything else. If you had a bath, what was in the water? When you're not feeling good just have a reflection back, a check in point to say … okay in the last period of time what were the things that I did, and then start to see those certain aspects … something in there has caused a red flashing light to go off in your biochemistry and that's why you're not feeling great.

If we take those pause moments in life and say … okay what was the input that I took in either through water, food, air or skin then you can start to realize that there's an offender, something is offending you and then chase back to what it is. Then you begin to see maybe it was the red lipstick or maybe it was the can of soup that you ate with all sorts of preservatives in it. Then you start to eliminate those things and then you start to feel better. That's the process of discovery.

In my healing journey I began to realize when I put in, what I call premium unleaded fuel, in other words, really high-quality nutrients, like eating lots of salads, carrots, celery and high premium fuel in the form of green drinks or protein powders. Have the discernment when you drink those how do you feel afterwards? If you're adding something new into your regime, how do you feel as a result, have you built up that sensitivity to realize your body is brilliant, absolutely brilliant, and healing you. It has a huge, amazing ability to be resilient but if you keep on insulting it with these artificial inputs then your body is giving you signals and symptoms on the different systems of your body to say it's not happy and when it's giving you a signal, so as I jokingly say, the car … the body is like the dashboard of your car and you have an indicator light come up on the dashboard indicating there's an issue or a problem.

Erica Carroll [00:18:58 - 00:20:12]:
If your oil gizmo light went on you wouldn't lift the hood and cut the wire, you wouldn't put duct tape over … well some people would … some people do! They literally are just like … oh well that light just came on for no reason.

If I can add to that, we are in a world today that is all about distraction. It's like whoever they are, they don't want us to be still to be aware to be present.

So many people are accumulating these responses in the body, these negative responses, and again like I said they're not listening, they're not hearing them … they are cutting the wire under the hood as opposed to being like … oh there's a light going off. Whether it's a skin rash or your stomach, how it functions and things like that then you just have that domino effect. I'm a sensitive person and there is a stigma and a shame that comes with the wrong lighting in the room that can set off my nervous system.

BON CHARGE PROMO [00:20:15 - 00:21:30]:
How are you doing with your sleep at night? Not so good? We’ll let me tell you about one of the actions I incorporated into my nighttime protocol to help bring on sleep in a naturally induced way. I use the blue light blocking glasses from Bon Charge.

Now just like everything I come across, I had a healthy dose of skepticism that using just a red lens would do anything for me, so I was genuinely shocked that within an hour of wearing the glasses, I started to feel sleepy and ready to hit the hay.

Now you may be wondering, why is blocking blue light important to improve your quality of sleep? Well daylight triggers cortisol to keep you awake in the day, but as darkness falls the red-light spectrum, think setting sun, campfire and candlelight signals the pineal gland to prep for sleep by secreting your sleep hormone. Melatonin. So yes, staring into the flickering blue light of your TV computer phone screens after dark can trigger your brain to think it's still daytime.

If you're looking for a tool to enhance your sleep and well-being by naturally encouraging melatonin production, block the blue light. If this info inspires you and you want to try some of these products, please go to our website and use the link there that will take you to Bon Charge. Then use the code AOH15 at checkout you'll get a sweet 15% discount from a sweet bunch of peeps who want to help you sleep better and now back to our convo.

Erica Carroll [00:21:34 - 00:21:51]:
Why is it that some people end up with high levels of toxicity when they're tested and more extreme symptoms and some people, there's nothing. Like what kind of internal environment encourages the imbalance to occur? Why are some bodies responding so extreme?

Kellyann Andrews [00:21:52 - 00:24:11]:
That is a great question. If you just stop for a minute, with all the activity and all the demands that are in your life. If you stop and just pause for a second and say … what do I most want in my life? Just have a moment of reflection on what is most important for you in your life, I can guarantee at the core of whatever that vision is, you need a body that works well, you need a body where the brain works brilliantly, and you have memory, retrieval and articulation. You need a body that has vibrant energy but the most important is that you need a body that digests so that you end up with that energy.

If your digestive system is all mucked up, clogged up and full of all this debris, you need to clear the clutter. What occurs is if the input into that person's body is continuous, obviously an assault to that body, then the body is going to over time have an accumulation of this toxic content if more is coming in then is being able to be eliminated. That's the key factor … elimination.

Some people's bodies are better designed to eliminate this toxic content but if your grandmother had an allergy to something and she passed that on to your mother and they pass it on to you then you have a natural sensitivity to that aspect. Then if you have multiple things passed down the line through genetics, then when you put the wrong kind of fuel into the body, you cause a lot of inflammation, and that aggravation or messages get back to you. Is saying, red alert, this is not working. And so you can have a habitat ...

Erica Carroll [00:24:12 - 00:24:39]:
That habitat then causes other things to flourish right like microbes and candida and so when we need to be aware of the lymphatic system right. Some people don't even know what the lymphatic system is and how that is part of the process. 

Kellyann Andrews [00:24:40 - 00:27:04]:
That circuit, yeah. If that's not moving then you're getting the hyper acidity, the heavy metals, the chemicals and all of that. 

Erica Carroll
You spoke to me once about the aquarium and looking at our bodies like it's an aquarium. Can you elaborate a bit on that. 

Kellyann Andrews
Yeah, let's go back to your thing on the circulatory system. If someone is experiencing … just talking about digestion and elimination.

If your colon is constipated, you are reabsorbing that toxicity into your body because you're not getting rid of it. And the degree of constipation in the length of time is just continuously adding to that aggravation in the body and then the red alerts are going on all over the place. What needs to occur is we need to clear the colon. We need to get the elimination systems moving and the drainage routes moving.

Now we have the circulatory system. In the circulatory system you have the blood or the lymph. Blood is what takes the nutrients to the body. And the lymph is what takes the toxicity away. When you have L.A. traffic happening in your circulatory system, everything's logged, jammed up and not moving. Then the UPS trucks can't get out to make the deliveries. And so, your immune system can't get out into the body to help to eliminate the bad microbes and clean up the system and do all the things that it's designed to do.  

The important thing is that we need to get the cells to be clean. If the cells aren't clean and then they go into the next generation of duplication they're passing that toxicity on to the new cells and that's why you have people with chronic disease. They are continuously passing it forward just like the generations of the grandmother, mother and granddaughter, are passing on the genetic deficiencies so now if you have genetic deficiencies overwhelm toxicity coming in from all sources into the body and now the elimination system isn't working and we have a log jam, beaver dam happening, people end up with what I jokingly call cellular constipation.

Erica Carroll [00:27:04 - 00:28:04]:
Yeah, when the cells aren't creating ATP energy then all those functions can't be optimized either. If you don't literally have energy in your body, how is your body supposed to create white blood cells and all these responses? Your energy is going to end up being spent on just keeping your heart going, keeping your brain going … not at optimal level … but doesn't your body kind of …  it'll shut down other processes to steal from one area to fuel a more important one.

Kellyann Andrews [00:28:04 - 00:30:33]:
Your thing on the ATP was really great because the key is whatever you want to create in your life, you need a body that works in order to create that goal and inside the body energy is the common denominator to all functionalities.

When you ask, why do some people clear their toxicity better than others it's because of the energy. So, if the energy level is going lower and lower and lower … we’ve all seen that energizer bunny, the battery commercial, where the energy is going down, well that is what is occurring in the brain, the digestive system, in the circulatory system and all systems of the body. When you boil it down from the organs, the glands, the cells, if you're not creating enough energy inside your cells because you got cellular constipation going on, you don't have the input of the nutrients coming in and you don't have the exit of the toxicity going out.

That is why people, suddenly, I'll get the question why at the age of 30-, 40- and 50 yrs am I now experiencing this symptom when I've never had it before. That is because as you talked about the dominoes, they're going in the wrong direction and it's the multiple sources of toxicity being absorbed over a period of time that now totally derails the body. It can't function as you reach that tipping point, so that's why suddenly people are experiencing this now. When I started getting into the field of toxicology back in 2004, that's when the environmental working group had discovered that children, right at birth, newborns right at birth, they took the blood out of the umbilical cord and analyzed it. It had 274 chemicals and some of them were carcinogenic and that was right at birth.

Erica Carroll [00:30:34 - 00:30:47]:
Little bodies are exposed to being out in the world and so that's the accumulation factor coming down through the genetic pool because their immune system isn't even functioning, it's not.

Kellyann Andrews [00:30:47 - 00:31:32]:
Not fully effective, exactly, and so they're incredibly vulnerable and that's why you see such overwhelming symptoms happening in children at younger and younger ages. When I got into this field to begin with, at that point it was the 50-, 60- and 70-year-olds in 2004 that were coming to say “all of a sudden now I'm experiencing this” because we can obviously see the accumulation factor in that many years. Now when you have teenagers having heart attacks there is something very wrong going on for the children to have senior citizen disabilities.

Erica Carroll [00:31:34 - 00:31:56]:
Yeah exactly. One of the things that concerns me is that this becomes normalized, and we go, oh well this is the way it is, and we just have to move forward from here. We can recognize what things are causing these early symptoms and kids and young adults. Can we turn that wheel back, do you think?

Kellyann Andrews [00:31:56 - 00:34:03]:
Absolutely! I mean obviously, that's the good news, the good news is that you aren't destined to be the weakness of your genetic line. You aren't destined to be the result of generations of toxicity being passed down the line. You're not even having to accept that illness is your norm, that is what was being spun in the world but that is not the reality. The reality there is only one truth, and wellness is what you were designed for, rejuvenation is what you were designed for, and resilience. Your body has amazing resilience.

Now, let's talk about the aquarium, because if you have fish in a mucky slimy yucky aquarium that's full of green mucky water, I mean logic will tell you that fish isn't going to be doing so great. If you take that fish out and put it in a brand new clean beautiful aquarium that now it starts to thrive but in the previous environment it was an environment that was high acidity, low oxygen and little nutrients.

Now, you put it into an environment with light to, I would imagine muddy water isn't getting a lot of exposure to light, which is super important for us. So, in the clean aquarium now you have an environment that's high oxygen low acidity and then you feed the fish the right food. You give it the nutrients and now you don't have the heavy metals, you don't have the industrial pharmaceutical and agricultural chemicals because, for example heavy metals are very acid forming they leach acid into the body, plus they put off chaos frequencies, In the clean aquarium you have now a healing environment but in the mucky aquarium you have an environment that is so perfect for flourishing bacteria fungus all the bad microbes, viruses, parasites, all the things that are causing the body to not be in a happy state. What do we need to do to create a happy state? We need to create a clean aquarium.

Erica Carroll [00:34:03 - 00:34:33]:
Based on our aquariums today we could assume that we're all carrying a certain burden of toxins and it's showing up more for other people. How do we determine if we need the cleaning and what are ways to test the waters of our well, our internal environment and then our aquarium as well the water in the aquarium?

Kellyann Andrews [00:34:33 - 00:44:04]:
The cleaning is the most important aspect the testing. There are also various methodologies in the medical profession where you can determine your level of toxicity. In 2004 the body burden started to come out where they tested the saliva, they tested the urine, they tested the bone and all sorts of different ailments related to all those parts of the body. Then they started to see a correlation between these people who were in a very poor state of health and the volume of toxicity that was in their body.

The key thing is, that I really want to emphasize to everybody, that you are not vulnerable on a continuum of what has occurred in the past, it doesn't mean your future has to be the same. What you need to do is clean the aquarium. That was my health healing journey, was realizing because of my nursing background, toxicity was the core issue that was running interference and that's what we needed to clear. Being a baby boomer, I did not accept that you had to have pain to have gain. There were lots of methodologies out there when I got into this journey 40 years ago on to how to clean my body. There were lots of methodologies that that I did not want to do because they created a lot of pain to get the gain, so I searched for a methodology that was about how to have all gain and no pain. The older generations felt that you have to have to experience pain to have gain and I wanted to update that belief system.

When I started to look around at the different ways that you could clean the body there were a lot of them that were intrusive, not pleasant and minimally effective. I wanted maximally effective and minimally intrusive and that's where then I started to get into how we get the aquarium clean. That’s when we got into the field of toxicology, and we birthed platinum energy in 2004 and as I said. This is when the body burden tests were just coming into awareness, people were beginning to realize that everything in their house was off gassing, like their sofa, their carpets or even the paint, the walls and all of that was being absorbed. We aren't vulnerable if we clean the system out. Then when we got into Platinum Energy we worked with a lot of different practitioners and clinics to determine what was occurring and why was it occurring. That's where we started working with the system.

We started originally by testing blood, urine and post water analysis. When we did the water analysis the system that we use is a detox foot spa and there are many in the field. I was jokingly saying that they're the wannabes because ours is the original and the only one that has been able to prove through blood, urine and water they're getting the content out. When we did the water analysis, we use the same water, the same salt, the same equipment and ran it five times. Once with no feet in it and four times with different patients. These patients had a diverse background in dietary lifestyle, age, exposure, all those kinds of factors. What we did was at the end of the session we took the water, gave it to a medical lab and had it profiled.

Now it's not about the color, there's a lot of nonsense being spun on these knockoff foot spots because they don't work. They created a story about the color in the water indicating what organ was purging, I just shook my head when I saw this happening because I was like hello, where's your background in science? The physical body doesn't purge one organ at a time. When you release content from the bladder and the colon, that is a river of content is being released. It was collected from the tip of your toes to the top of your head, not one organ at a time. There's a lot of bogus content that is coming out around these knockoff foot spas and the color of the water is one of the worst.

That's why to understand the validity of it you've got to have the water analyzed and that's what we did. In the control, lead was 1.7 in the control with no feet in the foot spa. The last patient purged 30 units of lead … she was a commercial artist, and she did stained-glass and acrylic paints, so she had an industry that was full of toxic exposure. Not only did she have 30 units of lead in her water analysis she had 11.7 on nickel, but she also had 132 on iron, and 20.8 on chromium.

Erica Caroll
What would be a healthy level? Zero?

Kellyann Andrews
Zero. Nowadays in these lab reports there's an acceptable healthy level how much lead you're allowed or mercury or whatever. But the World Health Organization said there is no healthy level of lead, mercury, cadmium or arsenic. In the body there's no healthy level and so again it's only when the aquarium is clean, and I mean the fish are happy, when they're in an environment that is a healing environment, that is full of oxygen, slight alkalinity, low acidity and high minerals that creates a fabulous environment.

If you think of the Hunza's who live up in the Andes, they're living in a beautiful clean pristine environment. They're physically active, like mountain goats, because of their terrain. They're growing their vegetables, even their animals and they are drinking the minerals out of the water that's running in the river in front of them. These women, not that we want this, but in 90 they are having babies.

Biologically we were designed to live to like 120 but the trouble is because we're so toxic. When that toxicity gets into the body, whether it's an organ, gland or a cell, that toxicity is running interference. Because of the buildup of that toxicity that cell, gland or organ starts to malfunction. It can't function as it's designed to, but you get that cell clean and it's amazing what occurs.

What we saw with a client who had a fatty liver, her weight, she had a lot of conditions going on, but the fatty liver and high blood sugars was the key. They wanted to put her on all sorts of meds and insulin. She didn't want to go down that path because she realized that was just a bad thing. She started to use our system and six months later she went back she no longer had a fatty liver, her blood sugars had normalized and she had lost 60 pounds of weight. The biggest difference that I saw in her was when she came to us, she was unbelievably cranky, everything was wrong with her world and everybody in her world she had an attitude on. They were all doing it wrong whatever it was, but six months later she now joined a needle group with the church, and they started doing quilts and now everything in her world was working. She had these beautiful loving people in her world, and everything was rosy again.

Erica Carroll [00:44:04 - 00:45:04]:
When you're imbalanced, when you're suffering, when you're in pain, it's hard to put on a smiley face and not be overly sensitive or critical of the life that you're experiencing. You have that level of discomfort in your life it's understandable for sure. Do you reckon there were other things, modalities and things, that she used as well as the foot bath? Once those burdens start lowering, she's going to be able to make different choices she's going to be attracted to different food and even getting out moving, walking is going to improve her lymphatic system and yeah, it's going to improve her life quality and therefore make her a happier person.

Kellyann Andrews [00:45:04 - 00:47:04]:
Circulation is the core of it, she was circulating healthy food sources into her body. What I've noticed is that I don't go after people heavily on their dietary influences … I'll nudge them in that direction but what I do is I let the body tell them by the symptoms and the misery that is created by putting the wrong fuel into the body.

If you put water in your gas tank instead of fuel, you're going to have an engine that doesn't run. If you don't put oil in the gizmo you're going to have a seized-up engine, so if you don't get the right nutrients in the body's going to give you feedback about that and say inappropriate … inappropriate input ... I need another source. Naturally what we see with all of these people that we're working with is that there's a natural evolution or progress or resilience that starts to happen within the body where the body starts to demand the right things and gives very intense feedback about the wrong things. That's what people need to do, is just to start to listen is your body sending you happy signals or sad signals. Are you feeling fabulous like a chirping robin? Or are you dragging anchor? If you're dragging anchor there's a reason for that. The awesome thing is that when you decide that you want a happy healthy energetic body there are methodologies that you can incorporate easily into your daily routine that starts to give you that kind of body by putting the right things in and getting the wrong stuff out. Illness is putting the wrong stuff in and not getting the wrong stuff out, wellness is putting the right stuff in and getting the wrong stuff out.

Erica Carroll [00:47:04 - 00:48:08]:
Well, that's a wrap for us on part one of our deep dive into toxins with Kellyann Andrews from Platinum Energy Systems. In Part Two Kellyann shares some pretty awe-inspiring results that she has witnessed from clients using the detox foot spa, so that's something you don't want to miss! Now while I still have your attention, you know the drill, please follow our creation or share the Alchemy of Healing Podcast. Let's create a ripple of awareness around all things healing, shall we? And if something piqued your interest during Part One feel free to check out our show notes, as all links will be provided there. Should you wish to contact us you can do so at Now we know how precious time is and we are ever so grateful that you chose to spend it with us that's all for us today stay free friends and keep shining!


Erica Carroll [00:00:01 - 00:03:34]:
Welcome to the Alchemy of Healing podcast. I'm your host Erica Carroll. For over 20 years I worked as an actress in film and TV until my health forced its way to center stage and demanded I focus on the alchemical process that is healing. Along the way I had to examine preconceived beliefs around how to optimize my body and how to empower myself to find solutions.

I know how lonely, isolating and hopeless chronic illness can feel and the Alchemy of Healing sessions aim to enlighten and inspire new ideas to help you find your unique path back to wellness.

So, join me while I speak with experts in diverse fields of self-care. Practitioners, biohackers, healers and folks like you who are the true experts of their own bodies sharing their personal stories of how they transmuted from surviving to thriving.

Welcome you radiant being. Thank you for joining us for episode three, which is part two of Kellyann Andrews interview. If you're listening for the first time, you'll want to pop back to episode two to get the backstory of Kellyann and the ionic foot spa that we're discussing in this segment.

We have added Kellyann's introduction at the top of this episode as well but feel free to skip it and get right into the juicy stuff. And here we go.

One of the most important lessons I've learned in this wild ride with my health is the discovery and understanding about toxicity, what that means and how to deal with it. Most of you have likely heard about inflammation toxins detoxification but how do you remedy it? Even more importantly, how much thought do you give to what's in you, on you and around you?

As I peeled back the layers, I discovered factors that were contributing to my body responding in increasingly dramatic ways. By integrating the detoxing process into my weekly protocol, I experienced a decrease of the burden on my body and in turn helped bring it closer to coherence. Common detoxing practices include different waters, antioxidants such as glutathione, melatonin, dry brushing, infrared sauna, red light therapy, lymphatic drainage, cold plunging and you may have even come across the term chelation when referencing heavy metal toxicity. 

Today we're going to discuss another detox tool that I use and the benefits it may have for your detox regimen. Our guest today is Kellyann Andrews. She is with Platinum Energy Systems. They provide a device called the ionic foot spa that may aid with toxin exposures and the resulting imbalances that can occur.

Kelly's background is in biochemistry, nursing, holistic alternative and energy medicine. For over 40 years she's been a health coach by nature and trade. She's continued to educate herself by researching all areas of health recovery to find ways of creating wellness on a cellular level and this is now her life's work sharing her discoveries and her own recovery with others on the same path, so we are very grateful to have Kellyann here today. Let's get this party started.

With the foot bath, what is it stimulating? Like how is it stimulating the organs to process these toxins that we've tested in the water and it's showing up in there? Also, my other question was, I know that my specialist encourages me to do it maybe every fourth day because there is the process of elimination of toxins. Am I correct?

Kellyann Andrews [00:03:34 - 00:06:55]:
Releasing is probably a better terminology. You wouldn't run a marathon every day. You know, some people would never run a marathon, but you wouldn't do extreme exercise every single day because then you'll, you know, not be in a great state. It won't be assisting your body, it will be depleting your body. The thing with this kind of technology is that when you do a stimulation, then you just let the body have a period of time to eliminate that, the first layer of the onion.

Then you do another stimulation and let the second layer of the onion come out. And so it's just an easy gradual process. What we're doing is we aren't artificially doing anything to the body. It's the body that discerns what's being released, at what pace, and what priority. The body is doing selectivity. It's not like chelation where it's eliminating everything, the good and the bad. This is only the body choosing what it knows is toxic and releasing that into the lymphatic system.

How the technology works is you put your feet into warm, salt water, and that opens your clean sweat glands in your feet because there's two coils, an anode and a cathode electrode, that is creating high osmotic pressure in the basin. It's a higher osmotic pressure than is in the body. It always goes sort of like a waterfall, it falls. It just is a natural gradient out; it's released from a lower osmotic pressure to a higher one. It sort of works simplistically like a magnet. The coils work like a magnet to draw the content out. In your sweat glands, we've always had sweating as a methodology, whether it was saunas, hot tubs, roman baths, or steam baths. Throughout the whole history, we've always used sweating as a mechanism of getting toxicity out. The body is the one that is doing the discernment of what is being released into the lymph. Our job is to help. To help the body to open the circulatory system, to open the drainage routes so that it can release. 

Now the lymphatic system becomes a one-way exit out of the body in which this content can then be released. Once we start doing this, the body is recognizing what we're doing. And it is now assisting by opening the drainage routes through the technology. That's the thing that makes our system different from everyone in the world, is that we have multiple technologies designed into the array that is creating many different therapies simultaneously. That's why it's so effective. That's why we've been able to prove through blood, urine, and post-water analysis that we're getting the content out at the time of the session.

Erica Carroll [00:06:55 - 00:07:08]:
This is a random question, but would a castor pack while you're doing a foot bath be beneficial? Castor pack on your abdomen, would that encourage the liver and kidneys more or help draw it down more?

Kellyann Andrews [00:07:09 - 00:07:20]:
Well, usually anything that you can do that is already effective and you adjunct it to our methodology will make it more effective.

Erica Carroll [00:07:20 - 00:07:45]:
I was going to say, in the days following, is it beneficial then to follow up with an infrared sauna or a detox bath? Obviously, walking, keeping your lymphatic system moving, drinking water and pooping and peeing as much as possible, because those are also obviously eliminating routes. You don't want to be constipated at that time. So, would all those things benefit the process?

Kellyann Andrews [00:07:45 - 00:09:08]:
One of the things that we recommend is to be well hydrated and do some form of exercise so that you get the engine revved before you have a session. People will do a rebounder, sauna or a chi machine or some form of exercise. Then make sure you're hydrated and then following you want lots and lots of water to assist the continuum because it will continue after the session. If you do any kind of exercise your body's having a response, when you stop the exercise, the body is still processing that exercise and having its effect in the body so there's a continuum afterwards. Anything that you do, putting in the good nutrients, making sure you're not adding more toxicity into the system, being very discerning on what you're putting into the body, what you're drinking, what you're eating, what you're putting on the skin, all those kinds of things. If we're doing health endorsing habits, we get better results, if we're doing health undermining habits, we're not assisting the process.

Erica Carroll [00:09:08 - 00:09:27]:
I’m not going to get the ultimate result, with the foot bath it comes with some pH testing strips, and we do like a urine and a saliva test prior to and afterwards and they're always different. Could you explain what's happening there, why is that?

Kellyann Andrews [00:09:27 - 00:12:27]:
Very revealing. We actually have clients do a three-day test to see, because what you do in one day, what you did yesterday and what you do tomorrow is going to be different from today so you have influencers affecting your intakes. I always say how your externals are, in fact, affecting your internals. What we do is we test the urine and saliva because there's a correlation between what is happening on the inside and what is going on in terms of you feeling well or ill. 

When the body is too acidic and the pH strips are showing a score of 5 or 6 then the body's functionality is sort of literally gone offline. That's like turning your computer off but when you get the pH up to 6.5-7.5 range or bullseye 7.35-7.45 which is where your blood is. If your blood isn't at that level then you're going to be in a coma. All the things that you can do to exonerate the functionality and the effectiveness of your body, to be able to heal, repair and assist you to do all the things you need to do. In the world you need to assist it, to assist you, so when you get your pH out of the acid range into the slight alkaline range and that's reflected in the pH scoring. I love to give that to people as a methodology to help them understand when they've absolutely crashed, their energy is, they're in a horrid state of fatigue then that is when they are in a very acidic place. 

What we see categorically in the healing process is that one, our technology helps to get the lymph system moving. We get the LA freeway moving and now the UPS trucks can come out and make their delivery. The functionality of the body comes back online once that lymph is moving now after the lymphatic system has purged out its clog. The next thing we see is heavy metals coming out and high acidity and all those kinds of things. People will have a footfall and after the session their feet will exfoliate, the dead skin will come off their feet like crazy. That happens to water for sure because again the body knows what to get rid of in priority order and this is a gentle subtle method, it's what I call a rocking chair stimulation, not a roller coaster ride. We get clinics sending me their worst compromised patients, patients they can't deal with, people who have a score of like 72 on mercury because they're so toxic that any form of detox is putting them in overwhelm.

Erica Carroll [00:12:27 - 00:12:34]:
What is the overwhelm? I know what it is for me. How would you describe um well, I mean like someone detoxing quickly for example?

Kellyann Andrews [00:12:34 - 00:12:45]:
Yeah, you probably need to tell me that because it's not the experience of our patients.

Erica Carroll [00:12:45 - 00:13:19]:
For me there's no pain using the foot bath. It's nice warm water and it's comfortable. Really the only pain is me having to clean it. It's not even a big deal. I'm just probably being lazy. But I never experienced any kind of, as if I was detoxing, too much, too fast kind of thing. But I have used binders such as Zeolite, Zeobind or Chlorella. Will that help the body grab onto more things and dispose of it? Or what are your thoughts on using binders? 

Kellyann Andrews [00:13:19 - 00:14:40]:
Yeah, the binders are always a good idea. I mean, I love Chlorella as a methodology because it's an alkalizer, a mineralizer, a detoxifier and a binder. You couldn't even find Chlorella on the planet because the Japanese bought it up overnight. And the sourcing of it was very difficult. But I like it because it has the balance of giving you high alkalinity and high minerals, as well as giving the ability to bind or hold on to the toxicity, to help it eliminate. Clay and charcoal is another method that is usually very benign and very soft and gentle. People just need to start slowly. 

The trouble with a lot that is going on in clinics that I see is that they're putting people in overwhelm by doing too much. They're giving them things that help to release the content. But they haven't opened up the exit routes or the drainage routes or the lymph system. If those aren't opened up and you're releasing it into the body, then you're actually, I mean, I have people come to me in a worse state having gone to some of these clinics because they're just doing a cookie cutter method.

Erica Carroll [00:14:40 - 00:15:52]:
Well, that's the problem that got us there in the first place, right? Like, some people have that compromised detox system as it is. Maybe it's the last stage of exiting the body or provoking or the body releasing different toxins. And yes, some people, you then put them in a series of modalities. Like you said, those pathways aren't open. So then they're just like, all this stuff is flooding through the system. Then you can feel really, well, it makes you feel a little crazy, right? Because your body then becomes open. Because the body tries to store it, right? Like your body is trying to... well, it will, it comes into the body and goes, oh, I'm going to put this in the fat. And I'm going to put this over here. And I'm going to put this there because it's trying. As you said, it's very brilliant. I think that's one of the things, we do such a disservice to this amazing vessel that we have saying, oh, it's attacking me. It's doing this. It's doing that. If we support it, it is so far more intelligent than we give it credit for.

Kellyann Andrews [00:15:52 - 00:16:37]:
Well, I think something that's really significant here is that we've all been programmed to believe that what the body is doing is the body is the enemy. But it's not. It's your best friend. So when you have an autoimmune issue, what is occurring there is that you have toxicity in the body. And the toxic content, say it's a mercury molecule or whatever, has attached to healthy tissue. And now the body is trying to get that mercury content out of the healthy tissue. And the medical profession has deemed that attacking, the body attacking itself. It's not. It's trying to clean itself. It's a whole different concept.

Erica Carroll [00:16:37 - 00:16:50]:
Yeah. Lyme disease, the notion of a Lyme spirochete, can spiral in and cover itself with a biofilm, right? And then the immune system is...

Kellyann Andrews [00:16:50 - 00:16:51]:
Mucus kind of level.

Erica Carroll [00:16:51 - 00:16:58]:
Yeah. And then the immune system is constantly trying, it recognizes that that is there, and it's trying to get at it.

Kellyann Andrews [00:16:59 - 00:17:25]:
And that's why you want to go after things like that, not chemically. You don't want to do a bomb into the body. Because not only will that cause massive reverberations through the biochemistry, but the bad critter that is doing a hideout kind of methodology, it's going to get really angry.

Erica Carroll [00:17:25 - 00:17:58]:
And what you were saying there is important, You said you don't want to set off a bomb. And this is why the notion of prevention versus dealing with the fallout is more important. Because you can reach a point, a gradual buildup of toxicity for 30, 40 years. Or you could just be consistently paying attention to and detoxing so that you don't have to set off a bomb. Because at that point, the body may not be strong enough to withstand it, right?

Kellyann Andrews [00:17:59 - 00:20:33]:
Well, one of the things that we see a lot is clinics giving people way too much, too early, too quickly. And then the body has the response of diarrhea, vomiting, extreme temperatures up and down. So when you see the body having those kinds of responses, and you say this approach is not right, it's not working, or me, and people will say, oh, this is a natural Herx response. Well, hello, no, it isn't. It's the body and it’s overwhelmed. So the person who had the mercury level at 72, there is no way that you want to go after that and just do a waterfall, do it all at once. No, it's got to be gradual, subtle, and a staged kind of level. And that's why clinics are sending us those really compromised people. 

I had an 85-year-old who came to us. Her 88-year-old sister brought her. She was in a total state of dementia. She didn't know where she was. I don't know at the time if she knew who she was. She was in such a thick brain fog that, I mean, she was just totally…the lights were on and nobody was home. You can't do a massive detox on a body that's like that, especially someone who's 85 years old. She ended up telling me after we worked, that she would turn beet red and never sweat as a child. So her whole life, her sweating mechanism wasn't working. And at 85, she's living in a rest home that's filling her with all sorts of chemistry that her body's not processing. When she came, her eyes literally (because her sister who was 88 years old brought her) and she said, my sister's eyes look like sewers. And when she came, you could just see the state that this poor body was in. When she released into the basin an inch or two of goop that literally looked like chicken soup stuck in the fridge overnight, that fat layer, that was what was clogging her up her whole entire lymph system was like log jammed. It was LA and traffic hour. And so of course, nothing was moving. I mean, none of the nutrients were getting into the cells and the toxicity wasn't getting out. Her brain became more and more and more toxic. And so when she released that content, even in the first session, her brain cognitivity came back online. 

Erica Carroll [00:20:33 - 00:20:46]:
How many sessions would she have done to 10, 20, 30? I mean, I know it's going to be different for every single person, but like this woman, for example.

Kellyann Andrews [00:20:47 - 00:22:15]:
Well, yeah, here we have a woman whose toxic environment is daily absorption. And on top of the life accumulation of 85 years. So at 85, she's got a life accumulation. She's got daily absorption, the meds. You can imagine what these poor people are feeding them in these homes, minimalistic level of nutrition. She's got maximum clog up on all systems, her organs on her glands, on her cells. So of course her brain's going to be foggy because she's not clearing that content. So elimination, if you want a healthy body, you have got to have premium elimination. If you're all clogged up, you need a method to liberate that content out, but you don't want to do it in an avalanche style fashion. You don't want to do it too quickly. Otherwise you will end up on a rollercoaster ride of horrible feeling. And it doesn't have to be that way. That's why I love what we do because it's soft, it's gentle, it's subtle. People don't have Herx responses. They don't have massive reactions because it's the body doing the discernment on what is being released. 

Erica Carroll [00:22:15 - 00:25:13]:
It depends on the day, for me, when I'll do a foot bath. Like you said, the subtleties. And I think again, we've been conditioned out of paying attention to, but now on my health journey, I've discovered the subtleties are where I chart my progress, right? For me, even just, sometimes I'm feeling really brain foggy. So for people who don't know what brain fog is, it's just that your mind is cloudy. You can't grab onto thoughts. You might slur your speech. Your vision might be a little off. And it just feels like you have a fog in your brain. Sometimes I find for me, I'll do a foot bath and I actually notice a crispness to my vision. And it's a subtle thing. It's not like all of a sudden I have the best eyesight in the world. It's just, oh, everything just looks a little crisper right now. And oh, I'm able to retrieve my thoughts a little quicker. 

Just doing these interviews is a challenge because I deal with brain fog quite regularly. So coming up with the word that, there'll be a distance between, a time between me trying to recollect the word, but I've noticed with the foot bath, those are some of the subtle things that I notice right away. 

APEX BOTANICAL PROMO [00:23:26-0025:03]:
Optimizing my health awakened me to the power of medicinal plants. My protocol required the use of several plant remedies, the sourcing of which can be quite a challenge, especially if this type of medicine is new to you. Where do you even begin? 

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And we do receive a small commission on sales generated through this link, which helps contribute to the creation of this podcast. So your support is very much appreciated. 

Erica Carroll [00:25:04-0025:13]:
So there may be conditions that can help, like you speak, this woman with dementia, brain fog, memory and all that. Are there other conditions that people may be experiencing that using this type of detox protocol could benefit them?

Kellyann Andrews [00:25:14 - 00:27:08]:
Yeah. At the other end of this spectrum, you have the children. So you have the seniors are an obvious one because of the life accumulation and the level of toxicity that's on board. And that is referred to as the... the toxic load. But now let's look at children. Now children, the trouble is that the planet has become a hundred times more toxic in the last 30 years. So anybody 30 years or younger is going to be experiencing a whole different level of daily exposure than say our grandparents. But here's the thing, is that we have seen amazing results in a very short time. 

I had a woman whose child had Down syndrome and this poor body was totally in a cocoon state of almost minimal existence. Her own mother described her as a zombie. And so she was just like a child in the state of… the lights are on, nobody's home. She was just literally dragging through life and not communicating. They did a series of sessions on her in a clinic and it was like the butterfly popped out of the cocoon. She went out in the waiting room after she downloaded a whole lot of heavy metals and started chatting up another client of the clinic, who happened to be a client of ours as well. They just had an amazing connection and conversation. The mother and the practitioner come out into the waiting room and just can't believe how cognitive and vibrant.

Erica Carroll
And that was just in one session?

Kellyann Andrews
No, that was after her third session.

Erica Carroll [00:27:08 - 00:27:28]:
Oh, I got you. So someone who's heavily burdened could have a pretty profound reaction because the body is just like holding on for dear life. And then it gets this, it gets this prompt to function in a different way. And then the body is just like, Oh, thank God, it just releases as much as it can.

Kellyann Andrews [00:27:28 - 00:30:21]:
I mean, it's sort of like if you use the analogy of constipation. How do you feel when the colon finally opens up? 

Erica Carroll
Yeah, release. 

Kellyann Andrews
So when you think of this on all systems of the body and in all cells. What happened was they decided to purchase one, but it was a month until they got home and were able to use it again. This poor child went back into this state of comatose, semi-comatose again, cocoon. So when we did a session with her on the phone, I assisted them. The mother said, oh, there's something shifting here because she's smiling like a Cheshire cat. After the session, she went and ran. I mean, she came back. I said, have her go check out her body and see how she feels. So she came back in and she was dancing and clapping and singing. I mean, it was just a total joy of the body. 

We saw another case with a five-year-old who was in a state of autism, completely introverted, like all connectedness to the outer world not happening, and also being really cranky and grumpy and uncooperative. They did a session and she started to become extroverted during the session and afterwards galloped around the back garden. The father, who was a psychiatrist, said he had never seen her exhibit that behaviour. 

Well, here's another from last month. A boy who was five years old and he had been mandated to have all sorts of vaccinations given, and his body was just in a total state of chaos. And how that comes out behaviorally is that raging behavior. Like before the session, I could hear him in the background. He was just raging. I mean, just full on raging. I just thought, oh, the poor mother. Anyways, they put him in the foot spa and he completely chilled out. He became normal, intelligent, very cooperative and calm, like a completely different kid. What was interesting before the session, the pupils were so fully dilated that when the nurse practitioner put the flashlight up to his eyes, the pupils never contracted. Yet after the session, she did the same light test on his eyes. And he was completely calm. And he was completely relaxed. And his pupils now fully contracted. I was just going to say, he went from being just a completely out of control being to a fabulous, lovely, centered, intelligent, loving being because the toxic load came out of his brain.

Erica Carroll [00:30:22 - 00:31:46]:
So there are these diagnoses, there's ADHD, autism and dementia and all this stuff. But if we were to just break that down as a series of responses in the body, like when you speak about this child being very angry, highly irritated, the pupils, the inability to make eye contact or speak or any of these things. As adults, I think these are symptoms that we all experience as well, but don't necessarily attribute it to the possibility that is linked to some level of toxicity, where people are just like, Oh, I just, I can't stand being around people. Okay, fair enough. Our personalities may be reaching the point where you actually don't want to be around people, but there's also, paying attention to these changes in your personality. Oh, I can't wear that fabric anymore, the sensitivity of your skin or your eyesight becoming more sensitive or your tolerance or like a level of confusion, a level of, word retrieval, a level of brain fog or being tired, not sleeping well, a sudden increase in allergies. Like, I mean, the amount of diagnoses I've been given, I almost have every letter of the alphabet. So I tend to look at what are the responses the body is having and what can support decreasing those reactions. Does that make sense? 

Kellyann Andrews [00:31:47 - 00:33:26]:
Yeah, totally. If we summarize what you just said in that beautiful illustration, the body starts to experience intolerances, whether it's on a nervous system level, digestive system level, um, sight, memory, whatever intolerances, food, food is a huge one. People come to me and say, why can't I eat this food? And I've always been able to. Because the toxic load has gotten so high and the elimination system so low. And so that the accumulative factor is just jamming up the whole system. If you just think that the body computer has gone offline, it's not able to function as it was designed to because the body is now just that mucky aquarium. Yeah. You got to get that content out that's running interference. So why do you clean the chimney? Why do you do car maintenance? Why do you clean the house? Because all of that clutter, if it was continuum, then you wouldn't have a tolerance of that environment either. If you just think about that on your inside, instead of your outside. Why do you have a shower every day? All those kinds of things. If you didn't do that, you would start to not have a great environment. And so we got to attend the inner environment. I just get amazed by humans because of how much time, energy and money they spend on their cars.

Erica Carroll [00:33:32 - 00:33:44]:
I was going to say that … how clean are people's cars? How well maintained are your cars? But you're literally in this meat suit for your entire life. You got to, you got to take care of it.

Kellyann Andrews [00:33:44 - 00:36:10]:
You've got to keep it upgraded and optimized. The interesting thing about cars is that you can replace the car. You can't replace the body. So where's your priority in life? Your priority as we brought up, as we brought up in the beginning, what is most important in your life? Is to have a body that functions well, that gives you the energy, that has the memory that has the brain clarity, that digests the food and especially eliminates the toxins. 

What we need to do is to bring our human body back into the original state of wellbeing. And at the age of 65, now 66, I just turned 66. I can tell you, I have better health and a clearer brain than I did when I was 25. And so I'm an example where life gets better. The older you get, I do not believe in degeneration. I believe in regeneration and resilience. Everything about my body has been designed by God to rebuild itself, reboot itself, and optimize. And so I'm an example of that. It's functionality. But my job is to create a clean environment internally. And if I can't do that normally in the ways of my day-to-day life, then I need to adjunct a methodology into my routine to assist my body to get that toxicity out. 

I can tell you, even having done this since 2004, I release a whole lot of toxicity. People think automatically, oh, you've been doing it a long time. You must have a really clean body. Well, if I lived in a bubble, that might be true, but I live in the world. And the world, we're in Victoria. I've got Vancouver to the east, Seattle to the south, and mills on the island, bringing tons of toxicity into my environment. And I'm absorbing that to my skin, my breathing, it's on my food. If I wasn't daily absorbing more toxicity, then I would be not having to do an additional method to assist my body that my grandparents didn't have to do because they weren't so exposed to the volume of toxicity that we are exposed to now. 

Erica Carroll [00:36:10 - 00:37:39]:
Yeah. Well, I think if we've learned anything today, it's the importance of having awareness with regards to exposure, what the exposures are, and the imbalance of toxins, because we just live in a world today that creating a protocol to support our detox process could be beneficial. I mean, it is beneficial to help people maintain their life force and their quality of life. Until we as a people can recognize that the convenience that we live in has created a pretty toxic environment, and therefore passing it down to the next generations, we are going to have a lot of toxicity. And so I think it's important to adopt a daily, weekly routine of just supporting the body in that way. I use this foot bath to help me. And then I also do infrared sauna and dry brushing, hot detox baths and things like that. But then obviously, I learned about my environment, I cleaned up. I was exposed to mold, I was living in an old house, I was exposed to high levels of EMF that were compromising and affecting me due to even the heavier levels of metal, my water source, my lighting source, and my food source, obviously.

Kellyann Andrews [00:37:39 - 00:37:44]:
Yeah, I call it - how your externals are affecting your internals.

Erica Carroll [00:37:44 - 00:37:54]:
Right, exactly. I was going to ask you, do you have any favorite books on this topic that you might be able to recommend to someone who's just new to this? The idea of toxins or the idea of detoxing?

Kellyann Andrews [00:37:54 - 00:39:53]:
Yeah, I really like Bruce Lipton, because he's such a great auditor. He's such a great teacher. He used to teach the medical profession. I don't actually really have any books that I recommend. It's just increasing your awareness of what you're putting in and maximizing what you're getting out because of the fact that toxic bodies are sick. Clean bodies are symptom-free. I mean, it really comes down to that simplicity. And so if you're not feeling fabulous in your body right now, there's a reason. That's the awesome thing about the children. The children who are exposed to this technology are coming to their parents and saying, I need a foot spa because I'm not feeling well. So we're actually teaching a whole new generation that they understand there is a correlation between not feeling good and having a toxic body. They're a generation that does not accept that they have to have a toxic body, that they have to feel ill, that this is how it is. And this is the norm. The norm is to have a brilliant working body. The thing is if you focus on your lives and really focus on your body, you're going to be able to do a lot of things. And I think that cleanliness is next, the godliness, and that we can heal and we can create wellness. We can create an internal healing environment and that you have total choice in that and that you have total dominion over your body and your environment. And we can minimize what we're exposed to externally, but if it gets inside us, we do have methodologies to get this content out so the body is liberated to function at its prime.

Erica Carroll [00:39:53 - 00:40:52]:
Agreed. Yes, I think that the most important note to end on is that we have the potential to do all of this and to heal and to be empowered to take control of our own well-being. We're in the driver's seat. Absolutely. Great, great chat, Kellyann. Thank you so much. This was good. I hope the listeners have a great day. Thank you. Enjoying the content and this has brought some awareness to your environment and also to maybe even some answers to why you might not be feeling your best. Something to look into because the point here is we want to empower people with information so that they can control their own well-being. So, Kellyann, thank you so much. And maybe we can chat again down the road, perhaps. 

Kellyann Andrews
Yeah, sure. That'd be lovely. 

Erica Carroll [00:40:53 - 00:40:54]:
Awesome.All right. Well, guys. Thanks so much, Kellyann.

Erica Carroll [00:40:56 - 00:42:15]:
And there you have it. Detoxification Decoded with Kellyann Andrews. Many thanks to Kellyann for sharing her knowledge and for leaving us with such a profoundly hopeful perspective on how we can empower ourselves to return to wellness through detoxification. 

In our upcoming episode number four, we will be chatting with Chris Parsons, an acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine and cranio-sacral therapy practitioner in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. If you've ever been curious to try acupuncture, but you're freaked out, you may just need a little bit more insight into the process. So that's what we're here for. Throwing down some knowledge so you can be open to the potential power for healing you might derive from this form of therapy.

And if I still have your attention, please walk alongside us on this experience called life by subscribing or sharing the Alchemy of Healing podcast with your friends and heck, even your enemies if you have them. By doing so, you spread the energy of self-empowerment and wellness. So thank you. 

Should you wish to contact us, you can do so at info@alchemy of If you miss jotting down any key points, just pop into our show notes as all the links will be provided there. The most valuable thing we have is our health, but a close second is our time. And we know how precious it is. So the fact that you chose to spend it with us is pretty awesome. Thank you. All right, that's all folks get out there and have a fantastic day.