Krista McKeachie Krista McKeachie

10. Amanda Dejak | Embracing the Taboo: The Healing Power of Colon Hydrotherapy and Detoxification

In this conversation, host Erica Carroll interviews Amanda Dejak, a I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist and Registered Holistic Nutritionist who discusses the often-taboo subjects of colonics and hydrotherapy and shares profound insights into digestive health, detoxification, and the transformative potential of colon hydrotherapy.

The discussion delves into the importance of elimination, the emotional aspects of health, the safety and hygiene of colonic procedures, and neurological factors affecting digestion, and the significance of preventative health in a toxin-laden modern world. It also touches on the personal journey that led Amanda to become a colon hydrotherapist. The conversation emphasizes the importance of preventative health and the need for kindness in understanding digestive issues.

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Krista McKeachie Krista McKeachie

07. Judy Lamontagne | The Power Of Softening: Cultivating Mindfulness Through Somatic Education

In this enlightening episode, host Erica Carroll sits down with Judy Lamontange, a Somatics education practitioner, yoga teacher, and wellness coach from Duncan, BC, Canada. Judy shares her incredible journey from being an athlete and personal trainer to discovering the transformative power of Somatics and yoga. They delve into the profound shifts in physical movement patterns, emotional behaviours, and attitudes toward life that Judy has experienced through these practices.

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