In this conversation, host Erica Carroll interviews Amanda Dejak, a I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist and Registered Holistic Nutritionist who discusses the often-taboo subjects of colonics and hydrotherapy and shares profound insights into digestive health, detoxification, and the transformative potential of colon hydrotherapy.

The discussion delves into the importance of elimination, the emotional aspects of health, the safety and hygiene of colonic procedures, and neurological factors affecting digestion, and the significance of preventative health in a toxin-laden modern world. It also touches on the personal journey that led Amanda to become a colon hydrotherapist. The conversation emphasizes the importance of preventative health and the need for kindness in understanding digestive issues.

“Be kind because you never know who's constipated.”

Amanda is an I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist and a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. She started her journey in natural healthcare in 2009 after graduating as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist from the Canadian School for Natural Nutrition.

She immediately began working at the Center for Biological Medicine in Ontario, Canada. After 5 years it became very clear that there was a need to provide the patients with more resources for healthy detoxification.

In 2014 Amanda completed the certification program through Prime Pacific Health innovations to be a colon hydrotherapist. She then used the skills she learned to run her own colonics business for 5 years. In that time, she worked with many individuals dealing with cancer and Lyme disease. It became her priority to make sure that every client got the necessary care and treatment needed for their unique circumstances.

Amanda continues to expand her interests and scope of understanding in the field of detoxification. It is her focus to help you achieve your health goals.


DISCLAIMER: The content on this podcast and website is not medical advice; it is for informational purposes only. While aiming to foster understanding on various topics, it should not substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider for any medical concerns. The views of guests do not necessarily reflect those of Alchemy of Healing and should not replace professional medical recommendations.


  • [00:00:00] Introduction to Colonics and Hydrotherapy

    [00:03:00] Personal Journey and Inspiration Behind Colonics

    [00:06:05] Understanding Detoxification and Elimination

    [00:08:58] Cultural Taboos Surrounding Bowel Health

    [00:11:58] Anatomy of the Colon and Its Importance

    [00:15:08] The Process of Colon Hydrotherapy

    [00:17:59] Conditions and Benefits of Hydrotherapy

    [00:20:58] Understanding Normal Bowel Movements

    [00:24:03] The Importance of Chewing Food

    [00:26:57] Hydrotherapy vs. Enemas and Laxatives

    [00:38:10] Understanding Colonics and Dependency

    [00:40:05] Retraining the Colon: Peristalsis and Muscle Strength

    [00:43:07] The Impact of Early Life on Constipation

    [00:45:50] Addressing Fears and Misconceptions about Colonics

    [00:48:07] Safety and Comfort in Colonic Procedures

    [00:51:42] What to Expect During a Colonic Session

    [00:54:08] Closed vs. Open System Colonics

    [00:56:01] Ensuring Safety and Hygiene in Colonics

    [00:58:35] Additives in Colonics: Benefits and Uses

    [01:01:23] Immediate Benefits of Colonics

    [01:05:34] Personal Stories: The Journey to Hydrotherapy

    [01:08:57] The Power of Preventative Health

    [01:12:08] Final Thoughts on Wellness and Kindness

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