Where did I go you ask?
There are days when I am looking out the window watching the world carry on, what feels like, without me, when I ask myself the same question. Where did I go? Writing this is helping me trace back to the beginning of my journey and my steps forward to return to the land of the living.
Where shall I begin? I was born….just kidding…I’m not going that far back, but close. The path to illness can be a slow and sneaky one.
Are you familiar with the spoon theory? It is a wonderful explanation for family and friends when dealing with any illness, chronic or invisible. A useful form of communication to use with those whom you have shared the theory with. An analogy that can help people better understand and empathize the impact of dealing with an illness.
There is something very delicate about supporting a loved one in times of difficulty, illness, struggle. For some the nuances of navigating and holding space is a natural instinct … and for some it takes a little extra effort and awareness. This coining of “comfort in, dump out” or “the ring theory” is not our own … I came across it and it resonated so true that I wanted to share it as I feel it describes a way of being that is critical to being there for someone who is going through a challenging time.